Ian Burns © all rights reserved
"A Separate State" 2009
Solar powered, microprocessor controlled, found object, kinetic sculpture
124" high x 111" x 100"

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Ian Burns sculpture. A Separate State. 2009         Ian Burns sculpture. A Separate State. 2009         Ian Burns sculpture. A Separate State. 2009         Ian Burns sculpture. A Separate State. 2009         Ian Burns sculpture. A Separate State. 2009        


"A Separate State" is a self contained perpetual system. It simply uses 2 small fountain pumps to move water from one side to the other, very slowly rocking - approx 3 mins side to side - the structure and moving the "flags". Power is provided by the solar panel, control via a microprocessor. The sculpture, with the exception of the obvious technological elements, is entirely assembled from items found on the site of the Irish Museum of Modern Art, where the piece was made while I was an artist in residence.


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